Freeloading Phill and ...

Silence in the Time of Moving

You would think that an enormously long Easter Holiday break plus an extension of several days would allow one to, if not hit their self-imposed "every three days" deadline, at least make a single post in the span of a dozen days.

Apparently not.

So what has one been up to with this huge slab of time?

busy work times made busier by the impending holiday break;
chocolatey Easter sugar rushes from following one's self-imposed "if you've got them eat them" rule;
tense footy watching with Legion2;
and biggest and best of all has been the hauling of a plentitude of Salsa Girl's things to my household as we take our Grand Experiment onwards and upwards to stage two!

All quite acceptable excuses for failure to post - especially when stacked up together like that.

The future appears to have no such handy excuses lurking in it from where I sit so you should all expect a return to the regular posting you have become used to over these many years of The Tales existence.

Late Lunch Lunacy

So, one has long developed the habit of delaying one's mid day repast until mid afternoon.

There are many and varying theories as to why this behavior seems to have cemented itself in place in one's daily working routine: big breakfasts, library morning teas, late night gaming fast food feasts, later libraryland opening hours leading to later starts. All have been thought to be the culprit.

The end result is that lunch tends to be had a tad after everyone else has returned to their days work. This, of course, invariably leads to something bad happening and my being called to duty before I can commence my consuming and therefore being completely starved and on the verge of passing out as I diligently slave away to make your IT lives better.

Today however, has completely thrown me out of my usual patterns. Just as I was thinking to go and get me some lunch, lo and behold something GOOD happened - in the form of our 10 days of horrendous network problems clearing up in the blink of an eye.

As you can imagine I was at a loss as to what I should be doing.
Anyway, after having lunch, I informed everyone that it was all fixed.

Salsa Girl's First Footy

This Friday last, whilst in the esteemed company of The Great Sandro, ElfBoy, and oneself, Salsa Girl made the trip to the MCG for her first ever football game.

Once we were all firmly ensconced in our lofty seats perched at the top of the stadium she was able to experience the drama, aggression, humour, clash of male bodies, thrill, excitement, and pathos that is the drunk football spectator.

She also, I believe, enjoyed the game.

Tender Mercies

This is going to have to be a short missive as one is currently deeply embroiled in the hugely mentally taxing process of undertaking an evaluation of tenders for one's place of work.

This process, foisted upon one by Supervisor Grand Chief K as she traipsed off on some holiday or other, is one of the most painful that one can even comprehend undergoing - more painful even than missing out on morning tea with freshly baked chocolate cake! It is such a torment to be involved in this process that I fear I shan't recover for months to come.

Of course some things - such as a system wide network issue disrupting all work in the library and causing an unending stream of "hey Phill" calls - have required that I roll out the excuse:
Sorry, I can't help you, I have to work on this tender right now.
