Freeloading Phill and ...

The new time measurement

Now a few days back it came to my attention that there is a new measurement of time in LibraryLand.
It was apparently coined by Supervisor S when she was being questioned as to why certain online resources had not appeared on the web site after nearly a week when it was only going to take a few days.
Her reply was:
Yes, but those are Phill Days.
I am astounded, and, if it weren't for the tiny kernel of truth to the statement, I would be feeling quite slandered.
However I do have to - reluctantly - agree that my estimations of time required for jobs may be a tad off. (Passenger: "Stewardess, what exactly is a 'tad'?" Elaine: "In space terms, that's half a million miles.")
My gaming group knows this as "another week to create extra rule X" often becomes, well, shall we say, a longer span, call it Phill Months.
There may of course be grounds to say that it is an exponential scale as instead of merely doubling it appears that Phill Months actually last for years as evidenced by a certain computer booking system installation.

I write about this today as nothing much of Blog-worthiness has occurred in the past week other than yesterday's trip to the footy with Legion2 and The Great Sandro where the Pies dominated so much that The Great One donned his iPod at half time and zoned out to his musical fancies.

Do not fret though, I'm sure that something good will happen soon and I guarantee that I shall post another update in a few days.


Stompy said...

"...I shall post another update in a few days."

Is that in a few Phill days or a few real days?

Oops.. I deleted my blog!! said...

Supervisor S: how soon can you land?
Captain Cautionary Phill: I can't tell.
Supervisor S: You can tell me, I'm a Supervisor
Captain Cautionary Phill: No. I mean I'm just not sure.
Supervisor S: Well, can't you take a guess?
Captain Cautionary Phill: Well, not for another two hours.
Supervisor S: You can't take a guess for another two hours?

Yes, I know I am easily amused but you went there, just a tad...
and remember you are buying shoes tomorrow Dorothy, no jackets,jumpers,shirts ....just shoes, nice tan ones not Herman Munster ones.... you could use one more Mr Darcyish white organic crisp cotton shirt, not sure if they are sold with bucket of water!!!