Freeloading Phill and ...

Geeking the Winery

With no events of any Candidaturic nature scheduled for this Sunday past I decided to take up the offer extended by ElfBoy to make a day trip out to his own personal winery for an afternoon get together and possibly a game or two of that card game we all favour.

With Pirate Dave and ArchEnemy finding other, presumably funner, things to do  it ended up being an exclusive event with oneself as the only guest.

Many games of cards were played over the course of that long, languid, afternoon - as was ElfBoy's plan all along.
In the end I was forced into the consumption of much wine and, regrettably, found myself unable to worm my way out of staying for the evening feasting. Such are the things I must endure.

Eventually I was able to waddle back to my vehicle and begin the long journey home. Luckily I had sustenance with me in the form of a plate overflowing with remnants of the meal - it lasted almost all the way home.

All in all quite the way to spend one's Sunday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, helping my sister move house for 12 hours was "funner" :P