Freeloading Phill and ...

Opening Weekend Box Office Report

So the weekend is over, the final reports are in, and it's time to take stock of the success of one's venture into the exciting (and highly tautological) field of web-based online Internet dating.

At first it looked like we were off to a shaky start when no responses were garnered in the first 15 minutes and one's thoughts turned towards eating ice cream and watching rom-com movies.

However in the wash up the weekend's figures actually look quite good: several dozen drive-by viewings, a handful of enquiries from Candidates, and some conversation started.

All in all a solid opening that gives great hope to this enterprise and alleviates the need for immersing oneself in rom-com movie despair. I think I'll still have the ice cream though.


fantomas said...

Forget to turn the spell checker off?
(the highlighted yellow on rom)

Freeloading Phill said...

Huh. Weird.

I assumed it was just showing for me.

Switched off now.