Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Long, Long, Long, Long, Long Week

So one of our branches was undergoing a re-carpeting and installation of a new circulation desk this week.

You would think that there would be no need for an IT Man to be on site at the beginning of such an enterprise - let alone for a 6am start.

But you would be wrong.

You would also be wrong if you thought that the first day would be the only day where such an esteemed personage would be required extra early as the second day also required such supervision.

And if you also thought that early starts would entail early finishes, thereby maintaining some sort of balance then you would be wrong once more.

You would be at your wrongest if you thought the three day quote which became four and then stretched into five once the job began would not impact on the time and opportunity to restore one branch-ful of IT equipment to it's correct places and in perfect working order.

There were, however, some good things about this week that lasted forever.
  • I had fellow sufferers in the form of Sonja Roster Queen and Big J.
  • I was able to muscle in on many a morning tea and cakes and the final pizza lunch. All under the pretence that I'd been working all that time that I'd been present at the library.
  • I received an immense amount of help from Ms Magpie in the last afternoon which helped shave hours off the time I had to stay behind with naught but cleaners for company. Without her contribution I'm sure I would have seen midnight and beyond.
  • I was far too tired at Wednesday night roleplaying to notice the maliciousness with which The Viking Hat GM disposed of my character (ironically a Viking) in his latest game. Instead I attributed it to fatigue marring my judgement.
  • I had the perfect excuse for a long, long, long, long, long sleep-in this morning

In other news I have had my flowing locks pared back as part of the tarting up one must do before partaking in a Libraryland conference such as the one I shall be attending next week.
It also allows me to look my best when I am off away down South tomorrow with Redneck Ben on a drive of over an hour to attend the christening of My Guitarist's spawn.

You would be wrong if you thought this event would happen at an acceptable hour rather than 8.30am on a Sunday.

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