Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Knee News

The Conference Report shall have to wait a while longer as the pressing news at hand is about the state of my horrendous knee injury.

After a refreshing sleep-in this morning I headed to my appointment with the strange specialist.
This time he seemed much less alien and even on the verge of being human.

He jumped straight into the explanations of the MRI results.
It transpires that despite my preparing for a knee-reconstruction-surgery imposed holiday I am going to be out of luck and should be able to regain joint stability with a mere arthroscopy.

Supervisor Grand Chief K will jump with joy to hear that, not only will my knee "issues" be over, it shall require only a weeks absence from work - although knowing her I shall be forced to work from home for the duration of my convalescence.

My disappointment at not being the tragic medical case I was expecting to be caused me to require the remainder of the day as emotional leave so that I can show a brave face at work whenever I next deign to attend.

1 comment:

Bayside Library Online Learning said...

Ah ha! The bribe money I paid the doctor was worh it!!!