Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Long Silence

Well it's been four weeks since my last post and finally The Viking Hat GM has cracked in this staring contest of will-I-post-again-or-not and left a comment on my last post - as Kiashu (remember the devil wears many hats!).
So I win the staring contest and can resume updating you, my loyal readers, on the oddities that surround me in daily life and in LibraryLand.

(Egad, while I've been drafting this missive Days has cracked as well. I better get on and release it if I ever want delicious cake again!)

SOoooo anyway the main reason for my lack of postings is that I've been far too busy with my starring role in The Lazy and Crazy Show that Svetlana's visit was. (I won't tell you which one I am but the good lady is of Eastern European extraction and I spent a whole lot of time doing nothing over those three weeks so make an educated guess...)

However now Svetlana has fled the country - as of several Saturdays ago - leaving me to the long silence of the now empty apartment. Even worse the kitchen has mysteriously stopped producing yummy dinners for me!
And so the parade of dvd watching, beer drinking, shopping expeditions, relative visits, beer drinking, a Cup Day drive to Mt Macedon and Hanging Rock, catch up drinks with all and sundry, trimming The Tiger, popping into work with slightly less frequency than normal, beer drinking, paddling in the shallows at the beach, much unavailable-in-Svetlanaland Asian food, rearranging of apartment (or should I say arranging, as it was all just shoved in there when I moved), and beer drinking, comes to an end.

Since my dear lady's departure I have been nose to the grindstone proving that the best way to appear to be working is to do some actual work. I dunno... I think faking it is easier.

I've also slipped the odd gaming event in and have spent a bit of time reacquainting myself with the internet. I like it and I think I'll stay. We'll talk more soon.


Karyn said...

god you are back..its the only way I ever know if you are actually doing any work.

Stompy said...

Phew! What a relief. I have been re-reading the previous every four or five days, but it was really getting rather dull!! (Even if it did continue to give an accurate account of what you were up to.)

Oops.. I deleted my blog!! said...

It was really turning into Groundhog Blog!!!! As for CAKE????NO CAKE FOR YOU!!! You were supposed to seal the deal.. Svetlana needs some italian uncles to make you an offer you can't refuse. mmmm Croatia is not that far from Italy, she can borrow mine..... well one of your knees is already bunged anyway...........

Hanley Tucks said...

Phill's alive! Yay!

I was scared he might have been assassinate by the Slavic woman, I've watched James Bond movies so I know you can't trust them.