Freeloading Phill and ...

Every Boy's Dream

During One's recent-ish ceremonial undertaking, one had the opportunity to live out the dream every boy has cherished since time immemorial.

One lived it out thusly...
It also included a mini-me by Hulk

In the process of living the dream one discovered that the world is composed of two types of people. Those who call one attired in such a display of costumery Napoleon; and those who are now dead to me forever - sea captain indeed!

Winning at this part of the proceedings was Illuminated G, when he proclaimed that the only reason to gather so many people together was to have enough people to perform a re-enactment of the Battle of Waterloo. Oh the sadness that evoked as it made one aware of lost opportunities ... oh wait, perhaps Illuminated G was only winning at tormenting me?

In any case, One is now satisfied to have lived every boy's dream.

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