Freeloading Phill and ...

A Need to P

We have come once again, dear readers, to the stage of selecting the next book of one's A to Z of Unread SciFi and Fantasy Authors endeavour.

This time the letter that one's bookshelf shows a dearth of is "P".

The Rules

Titles should be in the sci-fi and fantasy realms, or speculative fiction if you prefer.

The Author's Surname should begin with the letter P, and they should be one who's wares one has not sampled before.

Here is my Author list of already read Ps from the time span of The Tales:

H. Beam Piper
Edgar Allan Poe
Frederik Pohl
Jerry Pournelle
Terry Pratchett
Philip Pullman

Bonus points if the book is available in the work catalogue

Even more bonus points, and probably the win by default, if you place your recommendation into one's hands.

Now young Badger has already paradoxically beavered away and returned some results - in physical form - along the lines of Pynchon and Peake, including multiple copies of one title he is yet to dip into to allow a two-person bookclub style read.

So better get to it Internet, and recommend away, if you want to avoid a Badger fait accompli.

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