Freeloading Phill and ...

Jam with My Guitarist

So this past Saturday myself and Hulk made the trek down south to visit My Guitarist and, theoretically, have some musical interaction.

The journey down was quite pleasant as Hulk and I grooved along to the sounds of Justine Clarke and marvelled together at tunnels and freeway art.

Upon arrival we were both whisked into a hospitality and catch up zone. The kids were a mini-maelstrom of activity around us. Activities soon became lunch and then further activities until we almost drifted into the Coach Harris territory of "Oh sh*t we forgot to practice".

Luckily we did get ourselves organised and had a bit of a play.
However our musical sounds evidenced a pied piper effect and we were soon joined/deposed by children, various.
Much back and forth snippets of playing happened over the next span of time and the itch to play together was soothed but not quite satisfied.

All in all a good catch up, and one to be repeated in the near future One thinks.

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