Freeloading Phill and ...

M, Part the First

Today's post refers to the "M" entry of One's A to Z of Unread SciFi and Fantasy AuthorsThe Engines of God by Jack McDevitt.

It is Part the first because, having chosen it from one's sagging unread shelf, and completing several day of reading, one had another M returned from loan to the shelf and the room declared that one should be reading that instead of, as put by Pirate Dave, THE ENGINES OF GOO.

Anyway, One found this to be far and away the best Space Archeology book one had ever read and it earns a solid four stars from me.
It does have the problem that when one investigates if he has written any more one soon discovers that there are approximately 80* more in the series.
* give or take several score

Luckily it stands well enough alone that one need not consider oneself to be uncharacteristically bound to yet another long series of books.

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