Freeloading Phill and ...

Farewelling Supervisor S

So this week we have farewelled Supervisor S who has alighted (alit?) for other pastures with other duties that presumably don't involve having to supervise any of the most immovable of objects - the library IT staff.

It was a tender and teary farewell do, with lovely hot foods and drink and a magnificent multi layered abstract recreation of the Brighton library in cake (and oh no I've eaten too much) form courtesy of Days of our Libraries.

There was speechifying, and hugifying, and the final happy goodbyes where one was able to head home with an enormous aluminium swag of leftovers.

All in all it was good to see the fruit of one's Machiavellian machinations born as now two of one's workplace BFFs - LibraryBFF and Mr Prada - shall be filling the seat for much of the coming year, freeing one from the horrors that Supervisor S used to inflict upon one - such as being expected to do one's job.

But still, her pragmatic approach to the work of libraryland shall be missed.

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