Freeloading Phill and ...

The Gang of Lions

So here's a Caution for you all.

In the midst of one's Indefinite Leave one has visited one's doctor to see about a small lump that appeared on one's foot over the past half year.

Apparently it was caused by a gang of lions attack whilst walking. One can only surmise that, when working as a gang, said lions are incredibly sneaky as one has no recall of any attack incident.

Further questioning of the technician and some observant reading between the lines of her answer of "I can in no way give a professional opinion on that" confirmed that this affliction is the sole cause of my being behind on the daily step count front when compared to Sidekick.

And Longstride L.

And ElfBoy.

And Bomber Babe.

And Salsa Girl, when she remembers to wear her tracker.

Once one has recovered from one's hampering condition then there will be some real competition on the step front.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you need to *sunglasses* step up!