Freeloading Phill and ...

Baby's First Footy

Having all but given upon the senior team making the finals - it's still mathematically possible that four teams will be disqualified! - I decided to take Hulk to her long asked for first footy match,  the VFL Magpies game on Saturday.

She gleefully donned the beanie and scarf and we were off on the train, which was an exciting event on it's own.

Arriving at the ground with the game already underway we explored the stands and watched some footy although Hulk didn't show very much enthusiasm for what was happening on the ground.

She did inform me, however, the Collingwood song goes like this dad, "Good Old Collingwood Forever..." and proceeded to belt it out for all around to hear.

Later, after much running up and down the grassy hills, as we were snacking on our footy foods and the Magpies scored 2 goals in a row she did perk up with the crowd and pronounce "This is exciting dad!"

As the weather turned a little colder we ambled for home with the match continuing behind us.

Checking the score as we neared home we saw that we (the Magpie we) had won and employed our usual Yay Magpies lift into the air.

All in all a good all-round experience - although some, such as Ms Magpie, may claim that taking a four year old to the footy is far too late a starting age.

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