Freeloading Phill and ...

Guardians of the Galaxy & Gridlinked by Neal Asher

Today's post is about the consumption of media various.

Guardians of the Galaxy

This one was a birthday present from Freeloading Mum. And by that I mean that one traditionally spends one's birthday money on b-grade sci-fi and fantasy that one has missed in the previous year.

Well this turned out to be a fun little romp very much in the vein of The Fifth Element level of sci-fi. Thankfully for one's tastes there was very little superhero-ish in there although sequel talk involves many spandexians apparently.

All in all a solid 4 star fun pic with the only real cringe moment being the hero's put down of the villain at the end.

I look forward to watching mother's other present in the near future, in glorious 3D - the much vaunted by The Real Greg Dean, Pacific Rim. And I tell you if it isn't every bit the cosmically mind blowing experience that The Greg has promised there'll be some mighty vengeance coming his way!

Gridlinked by Neal Asher

This one was my latest read and jumped to the head of the pack on the recommendation of Scary Spice.

It was quite an enjoyable future space opera with loads of wow tech and obscure aliens.
Unfortunately having recently read Ian M Banks Consider Phelbas one was struck by apparent parallels and coincidii, in military tech and delves underground after artifacts -  to the point that one could joke about it being extremely well written fan-fiction.

That aside though it was a solid 3 and a half stars and I will undoubtably dip into the Polity universe again in The Future.

1 comment:

fantomas said...

The alternate final fight scene -