Freeloading Phill and ...

Games Galore

The year's gaming is off to a smashing start with a brace of gaming events having already been completed.

New Year's Day was an all day Magical event with Gavman and ElfBoy both using aquiring pass-outs for the days event.

Last week one once more got away with running a games event in the library, for work, and payed as well.
It went off smashingly with both Pirate Dave and Scary Spice helping out - although Nemesis did turn up to play as well, throwing a dark shadow of sabotage across the events.
Many games were indulged in including one's gallant 1 game all chess draw with a 9 year old girl, Castle Panic, Get Bit, Saboteur, and Fox and Hens.

And one also took advantage of the long weekend to indulge in the typical Aussie pastime of staying inside for gaming.
Joined by Pirate Dave, Badger and Legion2, with Gavman joining later in the evening we powered our way through Samurai Battles (the game where the result doesn't matter especially as Pirate Dave continues his dominance); Eldritch Horror; Say Anything; and too many hours of Magic.

All in all one is just about gamed out - except for tonight's role playing gaming night which I can't wait for.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"the game where the result doesn't matter especially as Pirate Dave continues his dominance"
Yarr! :)