Freeloading Phill and ...

Man-Shed Madness

Oh dear, one seems to be stuck on a permanent one week delay.

In any case, on the weekend last ElfBoy cashed in a group promise signed certificate and had a bunch of us make the trek North to have the debut gaming session in his man-shed.

Dutifully I loaded Pirate Dave, Legion2, and Young Jim into my vehicle while Badger and Gavman made their own journeys.

So, in the comfort of of a beautifully done up shed and humid temperatures we played and sweated our way through several hours of one of ElfBoy's games that he had bee unable to get to the table in a decade of gaming get-togethers - it was something to do with fantasy Japanese empire building and side games of cards involving Samurai.
One was particularly pleased to see five hours of play rewarded with one's empire ending in exactly the same state it started the game, as it is usually a hallmark of these sort of games that one's empire is obliterated post-haste.

We next powered through a lap of the car racing Formula D game of Pirate Dave's in which one lead masterfully for most of the game only to take the final turn too wide and wind up crossing in third - both the gear and the position.

Of course this being ElfBoy the event finished with some Magic the Gathering before we all tootled off home again, promising to return in the cooler months - but making sure not to sign anything this time.

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