Freeloading Phill and ...

A Feast For Crows by George R. R. Martin

One had to pause in one's reading of this weighty tome due to it being a library copy with a multitude of reservations. However Pirate Dave came to the rescue with his pristine personal copy allowing me to resume after only a short break.

Of course the big downside of Pirate Dave's loan was the inherent feeling that one had to curb one's tendency to leave a book "well read" lest one incur the wrath of the owner. And apparently with care and attention I am able to keep a book in a relatively good condition rather than "dragged through the streets by wild oxen" condition and shall be able to continue one's friendship with Pirate Dave post haste.

I plodded my way through this - mostly due to work commitments that kept my reading time to a minimum rather than the apparent plodding-ocity of the book as given by many other reviewers. Although infrequent bite-size digestion of the story may have shaded one's view.

I give it a 3 and a half. A touch below the others but not a huge drop.

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