Freeloading Phill and ...

Die Fighter

So the other night our little Hulk showed just how gifted she is when, in the throes of a really hearty sleep resistance session, she demonstrated that she had spontaneously learned German.

Wait a minute, she was reaching out to the bookshelf and my Star Wars Tie Fighter spaceship model at the time - which she loves to operate the Explodey action button on, as everyone knows Tie Fighters are so fragile even a baby can destroy them.

This is even better! Her first steps down the grand path of Geekdom!

On the March

So, Salsa Girl and I took Hulk out for the stroll yesterday that was a show of no confidence in the current government and their tendency to be puppets of big business.

It was an enjoyable little family friendly perambulation although Hulk did require hefting to a higher position for half of it in order to better count the number of interesting flags.

One does wish that one had been informed of the huge distance we would be covering though as one’s body was a decrepit wreck at the end - although Salsa Girl does like to point out that one’s pedometer only clicked over 2,000 odd steps so her theory is that perhaps one is just a tad on the lazy side.

No Job Too Small

So, Salsa Girl and I are having Handy Dad construct a palatial deck in our rear courtyard.

Some of you may realise this after coming to haul wooden planks from the front of house to the back this morning. It's amazing what the mirage of a gaming session can inspire isn't it ElfBoy and Pirate Dave?

Anyway, as part of the process we have excavated a pile of dirt and need it removed.

To this end Salsa Girl was collecting quotes last week which allowed one to hear this heartwarming telephonic exchange.

Salsa Girl (on Phone): Hello, I'm calling to get a quote for the removal of one to two cubic metres of soil and gravel.


Salsa Girl: Oh, too small a job. I'm sorry I must have misread your add that said no job too small.


A Feast For Crows by George R. R. Martin

One had to pause in one's reading of this weighty tome due to it being a library copy with a multitude of reservations. However Pirate Dave came to the rescue with his pristine personal copy allowing me to resume after only a short break.

Of course the big downside of Pirate Dave's loan was the inherent feeling that one had to curb one's tendency to leave a book "well read" lest one incur the wrath of the owner. And apparently with care and attention I am able to keep a book in a relatively good condition rather than "dragged through the streets by wild oxen" condition and shall be able to continue one's friendship with Pirate Dave post haste.

I plodded my way through this - mostly due to work commitments that kept my reading time to a minimum rather than the apparent plodding-ocity of the book as given by many other reviewers. Although infrequent bite-size digestion of the story may have shaded one's view.

I give it a 3 and a half. A touch below the others but not a huge drop.