Freeloading Phill and ...

A Zoological Expedition

This weekend past Salsa Girl and I decided to provide Hulk with her first experience of the Zoological Gardens.

So we loaded ourselves up for the excursion - ironically sans excursion bag - and trekked out for the Google determined 17 minute trip.

35 minutes later we had arrived and made our way in for an afternoon of viewing exotic animals the like of which Hulk had never before seen. The two biggest and most exciting moments were seeing the seagulls gathered around the food stall, and seeing the ducks on the elephant pond.

We were joined by the Double Jays and progeny for the last part of our visit before it was time to transport a tired and overstimulated Hulk homewards.

Speaking of zoos, the weekend was rounded out with a Gaming Sunday and a houseful of gamers.

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