Freeloading Phill and ...

SLUGing it Out

So the other week Sidekick and I attended the annual SLUG (Smart Library User Group) conference. To do so we had to obtain permission from the organisation to jet off to exotic Melbourne.

Once we hopped off the train the conference itself was quite good and informative and had excellent lunch.

As Sidekick and Supervisor Grand Chief K had to both skip the conference dinner one had the whole responsibility of making sure we got our money's worth out of the beer cafe wherein it was located.

There was dinner and there was good service. Both my hazy memory and Salsa Girl's enquiry about whether it was indeed 1am that I crawled into bed bring me to believe that I did the organisation proud.

Speaking of slugging it out a few weekends past Badger and I made an IKEA expedition together. In our endeavor to make it a short trip we became "those people" going in the reverse direction from the exit. It mostly worked regardless of my eternal shame.

Further to the whole slugging it out theme one still hasn't assembled any of the purchased furniture.

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