Freeloading Phill and ...

The unread A to Z : B

Continuing on with this little idea one finished the title below a few weeks back.

Born of Empire by Simon Brown

This is another ex-Bibliotech title that has been sitting on my to-read pile for far too long.

It is kind of a cheat on the rules of the A to Z as I'm sure I've read some of his short stories in the collection of Aurealis magazines that Legion2 and I amassed through the early nineties. However it is the first novel of Mr Browns that one has read.

Anyway, Born of Empire is a reasonable read with an interesting style of magic that I give 3 and a half starts to. It took a while to get going and then ploughed through the end. Things are set up for the rest for the obligatory fantasy trilogy however one did find the ending reasonably contained and I believe I shall leave it at this volume and move on to other more enticing reading.

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