Freeloading Phill and ...

A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin

I finished this one with much concerted effort over the past weeks as it is a library monograph in much demand.

One was also rushing due to the impending continuation of Salsa Girl and my watching of the Television Series based on the series. One does prefer to have read the thing before watching it and in the case of the first televisual series found that many gaps were filled in by undertaking consumption in such an order.

Having grown to know most of the characters from the previous book/series I found this to be quite an enjoyable read and placed it firmly at the four star mark. I look forward to visiting the third book in the near future.

An interesting side note to this entry is that one's loan had gone near a week overdue and those clamouring for a loan of said title would be wondering why it did not become available 7 days ago.

One is proud to have had this opportunity to teach the waiting borrowers the valuable lesson that Library Staff have no control over the actual return date of an overdue item they have reserved.


Unknown said...

> "One is proud to have had this opportunity to teach the waiting borrowers the valuable lesson that Library Staff have no control over the actual return date of an overdue item they have reserved."
But surely your good self, as "Library Staff", had explicit control on when this book would be returned? :p

Freeloading Phill said...

Shhhh, they'll never learn their lessons if you give that away!