Freeloading Phill and ...

The Girls

A Caution, this instalment of The Tales involves things more on the girly side of the usual rugged and manly content you may have come to expect from yours truly.

So, anyway, Salsa Girl and I spent much of the past year watching our way through the complete Sex and the City TV series as it was being shown again on real TV.

Of course as one is blessed with a smidgeon of completionism it was eventually going to come to pass that we would seek out and watch to movies which followed the series years later.

This day arrived yesterday in the form of our very own movie marathon.

Having watched the series I found the first film to be an extended episode in the style of the series and therefore as enjoyable as the show.

The second film fell a little shorter than this with a transposition of location to the Middle East and some bizarre almost slapstick comedy which seemed quite insulting to Arabic culture with its American imperialist "everyone wants to be us" overtones.
Still remove that quarter hour from the film and it was almost as enjoyable as the series.

At least now one can bask in the satisfaction of having seen all of it.

Oh and speaking of girls, for those of you who haven't heard, here is our healthy little girl Hulk - so named for the effect that all these tests will surely have had on her - and coincidentally her name also applies for the colour she has regularly made her mother turn for the past several months.
Hulk in ghostly boxing action

Thursday last Salsa Girl and I went for our final test of the pre-natal variety as we attended our twenty week ultrasound. Hulk spent most of the test acrobatically doing boxing practice so we are afraid we may have purchased a 20 minute DVD of blurriness.

However at a previous she was much more daddy's little girl just laying back and relaxing and hence had a much less ghostly countenance which I shall treat you to now:

Anyway that's probably enough girl stuff for now.

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