Freeloading Phill and ...

The Feline-Trichosurine Axis of Evil

One is fully aware of the maliciousness of The Tiger and her ilk. All that talking, scratching, demanding, and bullying behaviour is obviously intentionally and cunningly committed on purpose.

Well, now it seems she has recruited several of our local Trichosurus Vulpecula into her megalomaniacal campaign to inflict some serious sleep deprivation upon Salsa Girl and I.

In true dictatorial style The Tiger sent her allies into action first. They commenced their demonic chorus directly outside the bedroom window at around the three am mark and persisted for most of the next hour.
After we had settled down again The Tiger stepped up herself, commencing plaintive meowing and bedroom door scratching at four hundred hours.

One also suspects that she may have also recruited Metro as the nearby trains commenced their noise making journeys and horn blowing a scant hour or so later - although it may just be the sleep deprivation making me think that.

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