Freeloading Phill and ...

A Game of Drones

Yes, last Friday I finally finished reading George R R Martin's Game of Thrones - the first in his Song of Ice and Fire septology (or more).

Like most other readers of the book - and as predicted by the likes of ArchEnemy and Fantomas - one quite enjoyed it and would rate it a solid four star read.

I did find it unexpectedly teen focussed although that was offset somewhat by the tragedies that befell any character one took a liking too.

A series I shall definitely return to over the next year until I too am one of the mob clamoring for George to finish off writing the whole damn story.

The Feline-Trichosurine Axis of Evil

One is fully aware of the maliciousness of The Tiger and her ilk. All that talking, scratching, demanding, and bullying behaviour is obviously intentionally and cunningly committed on purpose.

Well, now it seems she has recruited several of our local Trichosurus Vulpecula into her megalomaniacal campaign to inflict some serious sleep deprivation upon Salsa Girl and I.

In true dictatorial style The Tiger sent her allies into action first. They commenced their demonic chorus directly outside the bedroom window at around the three am mark and persisted for most of the next hour.
After we had settled down again The Tiger stepped up herself, commencing plaintive meowing and bedroom door scratching at four hundred hours.

One also suspects that she may have also recruited Metro as the nearby trains commenced their noise making journeys and horn blowing a scant hour or so later - although it may just be the sleep deprivation making me think that.

The Tudors

This weekend past Salsa Girl and I completed our watching of the eponymous historical televisual series.

We found it to be a reasonably entertaining and educational experience.

For instance one learned much of the intricacies of the wheres and what-fors of Henry the VIII's wives various - admittedly usually after an excursion into Wikipedia to ascertain if it really did happen in the way the show was presenting it to us.

One also learned of the power that a gruesome torture scene has to send Salsa Girl scurrying from the room, ears covered and asking to be told when it was over. Yes, given Henry's propensity for wild accusation and execution, one learned that lesson many times over.

Worth tracking down and having a look at.

One's next big task is to convince Salsa Girl that she should watch the Napoleon series I have scavenged up. Given that it begins in the heady days of the revolution and Madame guillotine one may be facing quite the difficult task.

The Silliest of Things

No, one is not referring to FridgePower's futile attempt to win a blog flame-war with The Tales.

I refer instead to my attending of the annual day of Silly Games at my old Uni gaming club.

Of course the whole day ended up being quite the silly affair. One's brilliant plan of taking a day off ended up encouraging one to frittering away time and then be caught short when crises multiple erupted at the library.

The next silly thing was making a "brief" stop at Freeloading Mum's to provide some IT Support.
So after dinner I finally arrived at the Uni club to find the room closed up and darkened.
Luckily after a short wait several gamers returned and the day was underway again.
Unluckily the majority of gamers went off to commence a short game of Nerf Warfare which yours truly had to decline due to my well-known knee issues.
The remainder picked up their ongoing game of Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition - a pursuit that is indeed quite a silly one. With nothing else going on I proceeded to watch the final three hours of their game much of which was filled with players requesting that other players take their turns quickly so they could "end this thing and go home". The hole experience confirmed for me that the game was one I would happily never attempt to play.
In the end my vain hope of players becoming available for my own silly game disappeared as all the players of the game left immediately once it was completed at 10.40pm, and none of the nerfers showed any sign of returning for my game's scheduled 9pm start.
One decided that it was far to silly to hang around waiting for players and promptly took oneself home again.

A further event of silliness occurred over the weekend when I decided to go to the footy with The Great Sandro and narrowly escaped confrontation when he spent much of the game slyly talking out the side of his mouth at a rather loud fellow pies supporter. Luckily said supporter failed to take it personally and there was no problem at all.

The final event of silliness is, of course, one's return to work today.