Freeloading Phill and ...

The Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher

This is the book that Fantomas suggested I read before reading a better one so as to not be extremely disappointed in it. Dragonmim also came to the party adding that he'd "made it through" the first two of the series - a slightly damning appraisal given his propensity for series completion.

As you may note it has taken one more than a month to finish this one - and I only made it to the end this week thanks to my twelve day Easter weekend.

It was an okay enough read although it has more of a teen feel to it than the adult fantasy it presents itself as - mostly, I think,  due to the teenage protagonist (with a secret origin and a destiny) and the fact that nobody of importance (to us the readers) dies in the catastrophic events it contains. Still, I give it three and a half stars as the final 100 or so pages had me quite entertained.
I doubt that I shall seek out any more of the series, especially as I shall soon be reading that fantastic fantasy opus of which many have made recommendations.

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