Freeloading Phill and ...

The Holiday is Over

The time has finally come for me to once again take up my virtual pen and recommence my wisened scribblings for you, my loyal audience.

These past weeks of Tales silence have been filled with a multitude of activities - most of them undertaken in the company of the esteemed Salsa Girl.

I had best give you a quick summary lest we be here all day together going through the intricacies of the twists and turns of fate that have swept about me in these weeks of holiday.

  • a day or so of rest before beginning the long trek north to spend some time with Salsa Girl's father in sunnier climes
  • much feasting punctuated by: beach attendance, Day trips, musical performances, markets, a display of bluebottle dancing put on by Salsa Girl, and much reading on the decking
  • some driving inside of a cloud
  • a mild scramble for last minute accommodation on our return journey after our "she'll be right" mindset proved to, in fact, be wrong
  • strings of lazy days at home composed of sleeping in, long brunches, and finishing our watching of the Rome tv series - excellent, albeit gory, stuff
  • a non too few gaming events including a trip out to the fringes of Melbourne to play the new Napoleonics game on a magnificent 3D tabletop mere days before acquiring one's own copy
  • and many, many other occurrences that have become lost in the haze that is long summer holidays

So, anyway, after my lower post count year in the history of The Tales I believe it may be time for some changes to be enacted in what remains of this year.

The first change is that one shall be endeavoring to be making more frequent postings. In order to enact this one shall have to adopt the twitter mentality somewhat and gift you with shorter posts - probably limiting myself to a mere paragraph or three rather than elabourating at great length as one as be come want to do.

Other changes may be more noticeable should they come to fruition but I'm sure you shall notice them if they become fact.
Post to you again soon...

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