Freeloading Phill and ...

... Across the Border for a Srpski Xmas

After surviving the feasting of Xmas and New Year Svetlana and I headed across the border to visit her relatives in Srpski.

Little did I know that I was heading into the middle of Srpski Xmas and even more feasting. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were all big affairs with the rakija flowing freely and the soup, meat and cakes seemingly endless. It was almost more than my freeloading body could take but I think I did the Aussie drinking reputation proud - I just can't remember anything after the sixth rakija!

Anyway, somewhere in there we made a couple of visits to Beograd and saw the magnificent views from the fog-shrouded fortress.

It looked something like this:

The second day the fog had lifted for the morning so we did see a little more - unfortunately the camera batteries went flat so there are no photos.

After escaping from the food and heading back into Svetlanaland through more shrouding fog we discovered that somebody had stolen all the snow while we were gone. All that remained was mud and water.

To escape from this Melbournesque winter we headed to the coast to stay in a resort town often frequented by Austrian nobles recovering from tuberculosis. However the weather we encountered was more likely to spawn TB than cure it. The fog and rain followed us and all we could do was walk around admiring the dripping urban decay of the delightful little alleyways and staircases that clung to the mountainous coastline.

Thankfully we will be off to London for five days tomorrow to escape the persistent fog and rain.


Bayside Library Online Learning said...

Will we need to get a larger chair to accomodate your extra bulk follwoing all your feasting????

Mimi said...

Omigod that means you're in London now. Now!! Email me or call me (email me to get the number ;))! 'Twould be great to see youse guys.

Oops.. I deleted my blog!! said...