No this is not about One's very own A W aka Hulk in her second decade - it is instead about entering Decade the Second of one's A to Z of Unread SciFi and Fantasy Authors endeavour, and how One has completed the read of the 'W' tome.
This one had spent many years staring at One from the unread books shelf at home.
The tome in question is The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks, the first of his Night Angel Trilogy.
I found it an enjoyable enough read and will likely get around to the other two volumes in the coming years. It did dabble in a bit of predictable fantasy fare, however it has been a while since one dabbled so it seemed a fun 3 and a half star read.
For those wondering about the letters missed in One's... interlude,
U was eventually skipped and put in the too hard basket,
V was the Planet of Adventure omnibus by Jack Vance
Next in the AtoZ series will be an X , or more likely, another skip as it does seem likely to be another troublesome letter, but we'll see.