Freeloading Phill and ...

Neglected Blogs

There are two things that One really dislikes - those that neglect their blogs, and hypocrisy.

So one has been a little busy and unable to update you all for... 5 months!! It seems one's May prediction of a return to regular posting - for extremely wide-apart values of regular - was beyond accurate.

Ironically one of the main reasons One was not able to keep updating the Cautionary Tales of the IT Man in Libraryland was because of one's nigh-all consuming project to configurate and physicalise inked paper producing devices for general public stakeholder use, to a timeline that seemed generous at the beginning but in the end proved to be ludicrous. Whew, don't get me started, the Tuesday Knights gaming group made that mistake once. Once.

In any case, even though one is dubious of this time of resolutions - (if you want to make a change just make that moment of decision the change point) - One is going to resolve to return once again to the fertile soil of The Tales and regale you with the peculiar goings on and cautions that you must be so existentially missing.


I AM (not) THE LAW!

 So it seems that despite calling One in to do One's civic duty, the state has decided that One is not required for the dispensing of justice.

CCTV of me reporting for duty.
After several hours of catch up reading in the Jury Pool room - sans swimming pool I might point out - one was hauled in to be a potential juror but not even "randomly" chosen to be considered!

One suspects it has something to do with one's voice catching, breaking, and squeaking,  at the moment of having to stand up and announce present. One earned a disdainful second look from the Judges assistant for that.

In any case, even though i came fully prepared to be a major cog in the Justice Department, they denied me from serving with such dismissive phrases as : "Sir, this is for Jury service only, we mentioned nothing about Judge, Jury, and Executioner" and "Sir you cannot wear that helmet in here!"

I suspect there is something afoot at the department and shall remain vigilant!


Starting again

 So, it seems that One is forestalled from starting regular posting by an internalised desire to summarise all that has occurred previously before continuing onwards with shorter posts. Well, no more will that internal barrier stop me as I shall shove it aside and jump straight to the latest happenings, and the past can take care of itself.

So, the grand annual camping tradition known as Mt Disappointment was restarted this weekend past. Avid readers will remember our last resurrection was in 2015 after the annual-ness of the annual event ended with the 2009 trip.

This year saw the core group of Oneself, StumpyRudolph, MrRogers, and BestFriendSincePrep, joined by a handful who didn't have the gumption to stay the full night: Gavman, The Electric Tiger, and M. Sneaky Pete had excused himself on the grounds of having an important family birthday do on for Mirri Cat Warrior, but I ask you what family is more important, family you have known for nigh on 50 years, or family that you have known for only exactly 12 years to the day?!?


Anyway, we have become a lot more at ease with comfort and seem to have permanently moved the event to StumpyRudolph's property which provides a modicum of extra comforts. Easier road and track access meant that such things as a spit roast and many lights, tables and shelters could be festooned upon the revellers. In fact all that was missing was toileting facilities. Thankfully we were all afforded the get back to nature opportunity that their lack entails.

The increased maturity also lead to an enjoyable night of medium level indulgence rather than the traditional overindulgence. It does appear our bodies are very thankful for the change and it may just become the new normal.

We were also blessed with the weather holding off until we were all packed up and homeward bound - even with BestFriendSincePrep giving us an exciting flat battery challenge to overcome - another set of changes from the traditional drizzled to death of the morning after wherein it was usually one's own conveyance that provided the exciting challenges.

All in all a great time and, in the words of BestFriendSincePrep, now 100% guaranteed to be back as an annual event.


Mayday, Mayday…

This is Freeloading Phill blog.

calling anyone . . .

Mayday, Mayday . . . we are under apathy . . .

regular* posting is gone . . .

Comments section not responding

Mayday . . . losing posting pressure fast

calling anyone . . . please help . . .

This is Freeloading Phill blog . . .

Mayday . . .


So, One’s "short" holiday break is finally over and one is gearing up to once more go into the blogch for the resumption of regular* posting.

Please enjoy ones homage above, to the classic role playing game, Traveller, as the sign of many more Cautionary Tales to come.

* for extremely wide-apart values of regular
