Freeloading Phill and ...

Sans Salsa Nerd Night

So since the integration of Salsa Girl into the Freeloading household a Monday night tradition of sorts has been established and maintained with a 96% uptime.

This is the night when one indulges in tackling some of the many gaming projects one has on the go whilst Salsa Girl amuses herself in her own mysterious ways and never the twain shall meet.

Usually one uses this time for some sort of short or long-term preparation for the Tuesday Knights game or the Sunday boardgames but last night I took the the tradition up a notch with the first of a new twist - the monthly solo wargaming night.

I eagerly set up a scenario for the awesome C&C Napoleonics game and played it out against myself. Twice.

Now there are those that may call this kind of undertaking a supra-nerdy thing, but, contrary to the alliteration in the title of this post, surely it's not really that nerdy if I won both the games?

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