Freeloading Phill and ...

The Lorax

So it was with some little trepidation that one took Salsa Girl to a showing of this motion picture over the Easter Long Long Weekend.

One, of course, expects that the resulting product of any adaption from literature will not be able to match ones previous experience of said work. So with that in mind we watched, we enjoyed, and we came away with a three star rating in mind.

Now, unlike The Bastard, I am not one to launch into a shuddering spasms of fear at the mere hint of a musical number but even I wonder at the obsession with adding musical numbers to nigh all animation.

Still that is not my biggest quibble with the movie, mostly I was disappointed with the addition of a framing story that was non-existent in the original work - understandable to a certain extent - however when said framing story encompasses fully one third of the movie while major parts of the books plot are compressed into "and then it was all over" type voiceovers, I can only shake my head.
The moral compass of this extra story is all over the place - only save the world if it gets you the girl, capitalism and environment destruction is bad because we say it is, look at all the cool gadgets and great lifestyle we have... I better stop this before it becomes a rant of Zombie Monkey proportions.

Also, of the several creatures named in Suess's original creation only the titular character (snigger) is named in the film; the style of many of the characters is changed to a standard animation film human, presumably to fit better with the standard animation film plots that are spun through the framing story.

The lack of Suessian rhyme is a sad exclusion but understandable - although a nod or two to it would have been nice.

Still it was a reasonable two star film and I give it the three because, well, it is The Lorax after all.

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