Freeloading Phill and ...

The Gathering Storm by Brian Sanderson

I finished reading this, in ebook form, in the wee hours the other night huddled under the covers lest the blue glow from the screen awaken the wrath of the sleeping Salsa Girl and her talk of under-cover device-reading induced eye-strain.

All I can say is:

Mister Sanderson, you have done a reasonable job of both emulating the style of the original series author while at the same time cutting a lot of the excess description out and having the story move along at quite an acceptable pace.

I award this book 7 "Dune Prequels" (a Dune Prequel is worth roughly one half of a star as that is the usual minimum you have to rate something to make it look like has been rated) - read it if you have invested some of your precious reading time in the Wheel of Time series as the roll towards the end is starting and I can sense some satisfying closure ahead.

Also, since finishing this those few days back, my eyes have stopped aching so much.

Now back to one's regular silence...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So no tugging of one's braids or crossing one's arms beneath one's breasts?