Freeloading Phill and ...

Abundant Werewolvery

This week past has seen the subject of Werewolves arise on a couple of occasions.

The first was when the biannual free-lunch-with-some-training day ended with a presentation from Gamer Phil on his investigation into bringing gaming into libraries. To demonstrate what could fun be had he ran a game of Werewolf for a dozen of us during the snacks and wine conclusion of the days events.

You can imagine one's surprise when at the first opportunity the librarians, led far to quickly by Alltogether Heather,  voted to lynch me despite my taking the job of "Friendly Mayor" to disabuse them of such notions and - even more surprisingly - choosing me while Supervisor Grand Chief K was there to be chosen!

The second werewolf incident involved an equal slaughter of oneself as the gaming group gathered for another of our regular Magic tournaments. This one involved a set with a horror theme and I chose to make my deck involve several werewolves. In succession Pirate Dave, MatrixMan and then, unsurprisingly, ArchEnemy all took my poor werewolves apart. Obviously one has top distance oneself from anything of a lupine nature.

In contrast today's activities were definitely of a non-lycanthropic nature as Salsa Girl and I enjoyed a sunny day at the Moomba parade and associated festivities. At least I'm fairly sure it was werewolf free, but you never can tell.

Anyway, I found it refreshing to get out and about and prove that I am not simple a man of a few obsessions as we made our way about the many Moomba activities following this years theme of Melbourne is Delicious - which it did prove to be.

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