Freeloading Phill and ...

Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff

Let me plug the Tales sized gap in your reading by putting out an overdue book review.

One finished Stormdancer a scant month ago and this report has been floating around in mental draft form for that short period of time as one has been busy trying to keep up with the zooming hither and yon of the now walking Hulk.

It is a Japanese themed steam punk full of airships, honour and mythical creatures - one is surprised to have heard no mention of it from Fantomas.
It sits in the later end of the teen or young adult spectrum due to a few unexpected things happening to characters.

I found it to be quite an interesting read as it explored it's setting and characters quite well.
It touts itself as part one of The Lotus War but I found it to sit well on it's own. Not that that stops one's compleatism from kicking in as further volumes make themselves known.

I give it a sturdy 3 and a half stars.
Recommended for anyone who has even a slight interest in after hearing me wax lyrical about it - and may also make good grounding for any gamers looking to have a Jadepunk experience in the nearish future.

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