Freeloading Phill and ...

Geektogether XIII

Last night saw one use one's weekly gaming pass to attend the auspicious 13th Geektogether. This is probably my 10th or 11th I guess.

Organised again by the despotic The Viking Hat GM , as no one else can make the Geeks run on time.

The evening was actually rather a good chance for one to catch up with Pirate Dave whom one had not seen for many a month.

Amoeba was also in attendance as were many geeks - more than a baker's dozen - and we were all treated to the sage wisdom of  The Viking Hat GM which turned out to be quite sage when it drummed up a round of drinks for us old timers who have been gaming longer than the round-buying young geeks have even been.

All in all it was a good occasion for people geeks looking for a game to play in. You know the type, like The Real Greg Dean whose brain aches for game ... umm... and who one should totally have informed of the event.

Oh well there's bound to be another one if only so karma (aka TVHGM) can make me buy the next round of drinks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Was a very good night and yes a great chance to catch up. :)