Freeloading Phill and ...

I'm gonna have to send you back to Sleep School.

So it turns out that Sidekick Searching takes up a lot of one's time. When you throw in a last minute vacancy for a stay at Sleep School it's almost a given that the lauded regularity of The Tales is going to be the first thing to suffer.

I didn't even have time to send you of my quick review of Prelude to Foundation by Isaac Asimov - an okay read in his sparse style that sets the scene for his earlier Foundation series with a mild adventure romp across a planet-wide city.

So, Sleep School was an interesting four days.
Yours truly was able to regain bachelorhood for two of the days, including a triumphant return to Tuesday Knights in a game running under the tyrannical hand of Badger. Fantomas, Pirate Dave and Legion2 were one's companions for that experience.
One night was spent in an ineffectual men's group that one had volunteered for but was aimed at men who wouldn't be involved in all that baby stuff. I wasn't even asked to talk about myself until walking out the door in the last minute.

After the group the evening was spent trying to sleep in the bedlam environment of distant screaming from the other attendees. Our Hulk was, of course, perfectly well behaved (and the cutest one there).

The whole experience was beneficial for Salsa Girl and Hulk but unfortunately not miraculous as there is still some hard work to be done to get sleep happening in the afternoon and evening - even if we are blessed with long overnight sleeps.

After the past few mornings I am now seeking admission to the Sleep School program for The Tiger as she seems to think that 4.30 am is an acceptable time to rouse the rest of the household.

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