Freeloading Phill and ...

The Arrival of My Young Apprentice

Last week one had the fortune to be shadowed at one's workplace by My Young Apprentice who shall be covering for myself, should Hulk ever decide to make her appearance and kick off my six week holiday.

Yes that's right, Supervisor Grand Chief K, has finally, albeit indirectly, acknowledged the huge amount of work that one has to do.

It was an interesting week. Much of my time was spent educating My Young Apprentice on the ins and outs and other important parts of the job: computer systems, hardware, standing up to Big J, pleasing The Administrator, which branch has the best cakes and so forth.

The most important job however was getting him to understand the importance of not finishing all my long-standing projects in the first week lest one return to some awkward questions or - worse still - find that one has been usurped as the paragon of IT in the eyes of one's librarians.

Thankfully the IT department has seen fit to restrict his privileges in such a way that several things may well be impossible for him to achieve which means one will be able to sleep soundly for the duration of one's absence.


Unknown said...

Ah! I thought from the title this was marking the arrival of one's even younger apprentice.

Stompy said...

Me too! Though I suspect Hulk might have a thing or two to teach Phill when she arrives on the scene.