Freeloading Phill and ...

A Crowning Moment

I have once again dragged myself through that most heinous of afflictions - a four day man-cold - to update you all on one's recent happenings.

This update contains a Caution as well so pay attention.

When your dentist talks of giving you a crown it is a lie.

There will be no ceremonial bestowing of regal jewellery atop one's head whilst one is enthroned, replete with purple robing and lauded by the masses.

Instead you will be subjected to a scene reminiscent of your classical extra-terrestrial abduction and subsequent investigative medical procedures.
And you'll come out with nicer teeth.

You have been Cautioned.


Unknown said...

Oh, that crown! I didn't think Anita was due just yet.

Stompy said...

Maybe your dentist was just making sure you have nicer teeth first, to make you look kingly enough to wear a crown. Perhaps you should give your poor dentist a chance before you disparage him/her so.