Freeloading Phill and ...

The Birthday Experience

This weekend past saw the passing of a not very significant birthday - well in comparison to last year at least.

As my present Salsa Girl decided to give me an experience.
Now get your minds out of the gutter as I tell you that the experience was a trip to the Melbourne Aquarium - a venue to which one had never made an expedition.
I had quite an enjoyable time with my personal highlights being the rather Cthulhu-esque cuttlefish and, as befits my age and maturity, being witness to underwater penguin flatulence.

The day after such an uplifting experience was a gaming Sunday which included a plethora of one's favourite games, friends and even a magnificent caramel mud cake courtesy of Salsa Girl.
The afternoon included the long awaited, and much anticipated, meeting of BestFriendSincePrep and Salsa Girl - thankfully he approved of her so I may continue on in my courting ways.

So all in all I think we can agree that my birthday weekend was spent in a very Phill manner.

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