Freeloading Phill and ...

... Star Wars Day

Friday was Star Wars Day at the Freeloading freehold.

In a vague celebration of my young self being taken by the neighbours to see Star Wars (for free) nigh on 30 years ago Legion's 2 and 3, Badger, Rugrat Twin(bearing free dips and bread which is always welcome), and ElfBoy all gathered for a group watching of the original trilogy in their release form - none of that special edition nonsense for us.

I also slipped in the Family Guy parody Blue Harvest which went down well (except with the curmudgeonly Badger who wanted more picking on Star Wars).

We made it through all three films but the level of quipping was almost zero by the time Return of the Jedi rolled around as we all took turns nodding off - due to the late hour and not at all because of the rehashed plot elements ("hey let's have another Death Star!").

Since Star Wars day I've been: harassed by BestFriendSincePrep into some gaming and movie watching (including the rather lacklustre new-ish version of Hitchhikers); returned to the nest for a free Easter Sunday lunch including Freeloading Mum attired with bunny ears; and generally rested up in preparation for the rest of Mad March which I know is lurking about waiting for me somewhere next week ready to pummel me into an inhuman mess.

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