Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Sweet Sadness of Endings

After yesterdays draining experience I had a rest day today.

One of the things I did today was to finish my re-watching the fifth and final season of Babylon 5. It is eight years since the first (and only) time I watched the final episodes and, yes, some tears were shed.

It evoked in me that feeling of finishing a good book - the wishing for more and the sadness that it is over.

All my memories of watching the five year "novel for television" that Babylon 5 is, over five turbulent years of my life were brought up again. It was one of my constants as I went through: band disintegrations; bad romantic choices; good relationships crashing; some mid to late twenties aimlessness; and - like in the show itself - change scattering friends to the corners of the universe.
One of my best memories is of a party at my place with the lounge room full to overflowing with my friends all watching that weeks episode - a stark contrast to the usual solitary way that I watched the rest of the series.

For much less emotional impact I also happened to watch the final episode of Stargate SG1 today. In contrast to Bab5's winding down final three episodes I didn't even know it was the final Stargate until the last scene and even then I had to look it up on the internet to make sure.
I rate SG1 as a trek-level show - watch once with a general level of quality but hardly ever spectacular or emotion provoking. This means that it was never likely to effect me when it ended.

Phew, that was all a bit serious. Well after a hard day at work tomorrow I should be back to my usual blogging self.

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