Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Long Weekend Beard

Another week and a bit has flown by and been consumed by floorboarding with Handy Dad (finished last Monday - finally) , work, and a little bit of play.

The Queens birthday long weekend, a broken shaver, and lots of tradie type renovation work, have combined to provide me with a beard.
Said beard has elicited much response from the librarians with the stand-outs amongst the "oh my gawds" being Big J's dismissive "well it looks scruffy" and Bomber Babe pointing out that I must be glad that Svetlana is in Croatia and not here to punish me for growing the beard!

Growing the beard is one of those things that happens every five years or so and the last few times it's been quite interesting to see how many more white patches there are.

In any case here it is and you be the judge: Scruffy or Rugged and Manly?? (hint: Rugged and Manly)

Last Tuesday I was back at the Corporate Castle holding the help desk together while SoccerBuddy and CC had training on a day off for The New IT Geek. The evening's gaming was a week four hodgepodge of various games with BestFriendSincePrep traitoring his way to victory in the wonderful cooperative game Shadows over Camelot.
Wednesday I was back again and trying hard not to answer any corporate calls even to the extent of attending one of my IT Team meetings with Mr Prada, Genealogy Jane and Vikki. In the evening I had dinner and drinks with CC and friends at the local.
Thursday was a morning at Bea, plugging in a broken computer to miraculously make it work, and then marveling at the efficiency of Mr Prada as the tasks I'd delegated to him came back completed before I'd even had a chance to progress much further in my myriad post upgrade jobs. Afternoon was a meeting about the public IT training. Some last minute calls re wireless hotspot setup for the library caused my soccer appearance to be at half time.
Friday was more wireless install prep and a marathon session with Sister Serials trying to sort out Ogonek magazine in the library catalogue - go borrow some now to make it worth our effort.
And today was the finishing touches to the floors (except for a couple more spots). I also went for and fixed Freeloading Mum's computer and scored a free dinner!

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